Registration Date: May. 24, 2023, Last Updated: Feb. 8, 2012
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Environment category
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Environment category
Company Brief
Making agriculture ( in the broad sense) as the main business field, since 1994, CVSK working on introducing technology agricultural fertilizer compound fertilizer industry through flexible formula tablets ( Gramalet) . Mixing technology ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting local programs specific fertilization or fertilizer which is based on the specific conditions of soil fertility. And to serve the various conditions the ability of farmers and planters, after success with the fertilizer composition of flexible ( Gramalet  ® ) , since 2003 to develop all compound fertilizer specific formula tablets per plant ( Gramafix  ® ) .Some results of studies and experiments as well as user recommendations that have been tested by the publication of research results and recommendations of users including:
1. BALITPADI: on the Effectiveness of Fertilizer Cooperative Research Report on rice plants,
2. BUN SERVICE DT. I Sumsel: about Field Trials, PMLT Gramalet on black pepper
3.Rekomendasi Dept. of Agriculture Regional Office of West Sumatra,
4.Rekomendasi Dr. Ir. Ahmad Bayhaqi: the results of research PMLT Gramalet in peanuts and King Grass Grass & Sesaria Ancep,
5. Recommendations PPL Anjatan Indramaju ( Kelvin) : on the Use of PMLT Gramalet in plants Banana and Mango,
6. Recommendation Oil Palm Research Center ( PPKS) Medan,
7. Kotif Recommendation NATURE RESERVE, Lahat Sumsel: on the Use of PMLT Gramalet on coffee plants, 8.Rekomendasi PT. VINORA majora: on the Use of PMLT Gramalet in plants Cocoa, Cashew Nut, Palm Oil, Mango,
9. Recommendation Page. NYALINDUNG: on the Use of Rubber PMLT Gramalet in plants,
Directorate General of Plantation 10.Rekomendasi R.I. : On the Use of PMLT Gramalet In UFDP Project for Rubber and Cashew crops,
11.Rekomendasi Disbun Tk II Bogor: About the use of Vanilla PMLT Gramalet in plants,
12. Recommendations PPTK Gambung: on the Use of PMLT Gramalet on tea plants and Kina
13. Recommendations STIPER Bale Bandung: on the Use of PMLT Gramalet on seedlings Rubber, Cocoa, Tea,
14. Results Workshop " Using Fertilizer Plant Gramalet On Tea" TCSSP ADB.
15. Recommendations Rubber Research Institute of Field ( M. Zubir Nasution & Bachtiar) : on the Use of Rubber plant PMLT Gramalet on Young, 16. Rubber Research Center: on the Use of Rubber Gramalet PMLT in polybag.
17. Recommendations KUD " Wibawa Mukti" Padang: on the Use of PMLT Gramalet,
18. Recommendations " Kopkar Kaya Makmur" Jambi: about usage PMLT Gramalet in Pinang and Rubber plant,
19. Recommendations KUD " Manggar Jaya" Jambi: about usage PMLT Gramalet on Palm,
20. Recommendations MOA Yogyakarta: on The Distribution & Use of Fertilizer Gramalet On Implementing Regional Supra Insus / Insus Rice, Corn, Soyabeans, and the Horticultural Commodity Specific In Region Province Yogyakarta.
21. Recommendations MoA DT West Java: the Use of Fertilizer Recommendation Gramalet on Rice crop.
22. Recommendations MoA DT Lampung: about PMLT Gramalet,
23. Recommendations MoA DT North Sumatra: the Use of PMLT Gramafix,
24. PT. A Cargill Hindoli COMPANY: Cost Analysis of Fertilization In Plants Palm already produce ( TM)
25. The observation trials Gramalet Fertilizer Plant On Palm has produced in the thin soil.
26. PMLT Research on Productive Plant clones TRI 2025,
27. Disbun D.T. West Java: about SPK PMLT Project Gramalet for Cacao plant, 28. Disbun D.T. West Java: about SPK PMLT Project Gramalet for Cacao plant, 29. UNHAS Recommendation: on the use of PMLT Gramalet on tea plants,
30. Final Report of Research Activities Fund Budget 1994 / 1995, 31. Effect of the Addition of Organic Materials PMLT Pluff Against Crop Production tea buds,
32. Recommendations Department of Food Crops & Horticulture DT. West Java, on Gramafix Research Report - on Paddy, 33. BALITPA Recommendation: on the Use of Tablet PMLT ( Gramafix) on growth and yield of Paddy,
34. Recommendations for Research and Development Center for Biotechnology: the use of PMLT Gramalet on Cashew crops and Clove, 35. Recommendations Ade Sumirat Rice Farmers: on the Use of Gramafix Rice,
36. SK. RI Secretary of Rice Intensification Bimas Program, Crop and Horticultural Th. 1998 / 1999, 37. MOA Guidance Sesdal RI: about Alternative Fertilizer Recommendations, 38. Kaji arranging Bimas West Java on rice crop
39. Testing Recommendations Gramafix on maize in Ciamis,
40. Testing Recommendations Gramafix on maize in Cirebon,
41. PTPN V RIAU PIR on oil palm plantations and the many recommendations of other users who prove reliability Gramalet fertilizer in various commodities and this plant.
42. Simpang Langgam Palm Gardens 45 KM
43. Palm Plantation Libo Camp on Peatlands, Simpang kandis Libo, KM 77 Riau
44. Palm Plantation in the Hamlet example, Ds Mangala White Land district, Riau, Rokan
Integrated fertilization on various crops is the merging of organic and inorganic nutrient inputs at once. The objective is the attainment of integrated fertilizer plant productivity according to genetics while maintaining the ability of soil organic content in the long term. Known, as according to the Center of Bogor Agricultural Land Resources Research ( 2008) , 73% of agricultural land Indonesian low organic matter content ( between 0, 6-2% ) , 23% moderate ( 2-3% soil organic matter) , and only 4 % of the total land area is classified as having high organic matter ( over 4% ) . This condition is not favorable for agricultural land in tropical areas are buffeted by high rainfall.
Fertilization is integrated more and more important when consumers are willing to pay premium prices for the quality of agricultural products. For example, there is now the RSPO ( Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) which was established with the spirit of achieving and developing " sustainable palm oil" . The RSPO stakeholders agreed that the palm oil industry should continue to grow but with the rules of sustainability. Promised that the producer who can produce sustainable palm oil will be given incentives in the form of a price premium for sustainable palm oil ( sustainable palm oil) are produced. This makes sense because the process of implementation and certification of sustainable palm oil requires extra effort and cost. It is natural that extra effort and cost is offset by the purchase price premium.
Realizing the importance of integrated fertilization and in the future, chemical fertilizers ( inorganic) - as a non-renewable natural materials ( unrenewable) will be increasingly reduced availability, as well as, on the other hand, there is a health awareness of the importance of natural food ( organic) - since 2004, CVSK develop technology fertilizer sources of biological and organic fertilizers. Next, the processing tool CVSK introduce waste into organic fertilizer compost ( composter manual, electric composter, and Rotary Kiln various capacities) .
In the category of material of organic fertilizer ( compost) , CVSK has managed to isolate microbial decomposers and garbage ( probiotics) and various minerals for the continuity of modern composting, hygienic and quick. Microbial decomposers is Green Phoskko ® [ GP-1] compost activator and the mineral is bulking material Green Phoskko  ® [ GP-2] . The article is useful to accelerate the decomposition ( decomposition) of the traditional 60 days to 5 days. To increase composting by farmers in an effective and efficient, well developed machine tools ( composter) whether the household scale, and environmental scale composter ( Rotary Kiln) scale commercial business. Compost is very beneficial for the hobbies and park managers in making compost by using raw materials derived from domestic waste or, for entrepreneurs to get business - which produces faster than manage waste in homes, factories, markets or apartment environment.
Services to its customers in Riau can be contacted:
1. H. Subchan, Jl Hasanuddin No 17 A Rengat Inhu / Inhil, Phone: 0812-68338415 - 081-933699 092
2. Peli Rinaldi, Jl Raya Pekanbaru Taluk Kuantan ( Jake) , Tel. 0813 71094553 - 0812-7657298
3. Ny. Efizar, Jl Soekarno-Hatta Arengka Perum Taman Indah Blok C No. 12, Tel. 0761 - 66272-081371615077
4. Sinaga, Jl. Raya Bangkinang Petapahan KM 18 No 21 Sukamulya, T. 0813 71190619
Bandung, July 2009
Sonson Garsoni
+ 62- 81572527115
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