We sale meat strombus camarun dried .........price negotiable
We sell marine ornamental fish, coral reefs, Sell Aquarium, Aquarium maintenance villas to hotels or private homes, rented tank, all kinds of sea fish for the restaurant, oysters / raw materials to....
We provide mother of pearl / MOP polish ready.......
We sell / receive orders Abalone Shell. ( Min Order 100 KG)
We provide the meat abalone dried Size 0-0.5inchi = baby 0.51-1inchi = S 1.01-1.50inchi = M 1.51-2inchi = L up 2inchi = Super
We sell / receive orders red organ pipe coral. ( Min Order 100 KG)
We sell / accept orders of all types MOP. ( Min Order 500 KG)
We sell / accept orders of all types of hard coral reef and soft corals
We Sell or accept orders of all types of marine ornamental fish